由The Center维护 / 由Silverman AG翻译
Zipping through the Tulips - 赢家捐赠了121381007种子,总价值大概是$2520万。
4. 如何选择聊天室?
Chatrooms: Game, Social, Sale, Aerospace Sales, Help, Roleplay, (DE) Sozial, (DE) Handel, (DE) Spiel, (FR) French), (FR) Vente, (PT) Jogo, (PT) Social, (PT) Comércio, (TR) Turkish, (IT) Italian, (ES) Spanish.
To see the chatrooms:
Three (3) dots
Account Settings
Check mark the ones you want to see
5. 品质(Q)是什么?
Q means quality. If you see someone using q0, q1, q2 they are referring to the quality of a product. See Research Guide for more information about Quality.
More game abbreviations can be found in Sim Companies Times newspaper 75.
6. 交易所上的NPC公司是怎么回事?
NPC stands for Non-Player Character. It is a bot operated by Sim Companies, whose purpose is to provide game-essential resources to the exchange. The pricing is set up at the high side to allow players to sell at lower prices with profit.
7. 如何升级?
By constructing new buildings and using your buildings. Sending contracts and selling goods on the exchange will not contribute to your leveling. Upgrading buildings does not contribute to leveling up either.
8. 如何在交易所上出售物资?
You need to visit your WAREHOUSE, click on the resource, click SELL ON THE EXCHANGE, enter a quantity and price, then press SELL ON THE EXCHANGE.
You will pay a market fee of 3% when the order is traded. The fee is subtracted first before you get any profit. Depending on the resource, you may need to provide Transportation units as well. These can be bought on the exchange.
50x is the transport needed
$3 is the 3% fee
$0.030 is cost per unit
Note: transport is pulled from your inventory in your warehouse – if you do not have transport you cannot place anything on the exchange.
You can cancel your order on the market at any time by clicking/pressing on the blue X next to your name.
The transportation units will be returned to you since no product was shipped out of your warehouse.
The market fee that was not paid yet is refunded on cancel, but only after 48 hours from posting. Orders already placed cannot be modified, just cancelled.
赢家捐赠了121 381 007种子,总价值大概是$2520万。
4. 如何选择聊天室?
聊天室:Game,Social,Sale,Aerospace Sales,Help,Roleplay,Sozial-德语,Handel-德语,Spiel-德语,Hilfe-德语,Jogo-葡萄牙语,Social-葡萄牙语,Comercio-葡萄牙语,Juego-西班牙语,Ventas-西班牙语,Social-西班牙语,Jeu-法语,Vente-法语,Social-法语,Italian-意大利语,Oyun-土耳其语,Ticaret-土耳其语,Sosyal-土耳其语,Mandarin-普通话。
5. 品质(Q)是什么?
有关游戏中更多缩写的信息,参见《Sim Companies时报》75期。
6. 交易所上的NPC公司是怎么回事?
NPC代表Non-Player Character(非玩家角色)。它是由Sim Companies操作的机器人,是为在交易所中提供必要的物资。定价比较高,来允许玩家以比较低的价格出售。
7. 如何升级(获得XP)?
8. 如何在交易所上出售物资?
For example, you place Crude Oil on the exchange for $28. You will pay a fee of $28 x 3% = $0.84 and use one transport unit, assume that transport costs $0.35. Hence, it will cost you $0.84 + $0.34 = $1.18 to sell the Crude Oil on the market, leaving you with $28 - $1.18 = $26.82. If you sold this Crude Oil using contracts, you pay no market fee and only use half of the transportation units. This would cost $0.35/2 = $0.175, meaning you would be left with $28 - $0.175 = $27.825. Remember to take this into account when deciding to sell on the exchange or to sell via contracts
Need to be level 5+ (Family Business) to send and receive contracts. Visit your WAREHOUSE and click on the resource, enter quantity and price, and hit SEND CONTRACT. Enter the recipient company's name. The recipient has to accept your contract before the money can be credited to you. Either party can cancel the contract that has not been accepted yet and all resources, including Transportation units will be returned.
25x is the transport needed
There is no fee
Note: transport is pulled from your inventory in your warehouse – if you do not have transport you cannot send a contract.
In comparison to selling on the exchange, by using contracts you will not pay any market fee and need only half as many Transportation units.
You will need to type out the entire resource to get the image to show correctly in sales chat.
Note: You can use :re-###: instead of the actual product name.
:re-1: is power
:re-2: is water
and so on
Copying and Pasting straight from your notes in this format will show the correct images in chat!
Contracts sent by companies will change colors if the price is different than the last accepted contract from that company. The price will change in color.
Red = Higher price than last accepted contract
Green = Lower price than last accepted contract