Please do NOT share this document outside of Mod chat.
Chat Bans
When simple chat bans are given, the accounts receive a chat ban based on a progressive system starting at 2 hours; and follows this pattern: 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 16, 16, [hours]. Eventually with enough chat bans it will turn to invisibility (see below).
If you don't know the answer to a question; do not answer it. Its better to not answer than to give the wrong answer. Try to see if anyone else can help with answering the question.
Anything to do with payments in game with simboosts or packages need to be sent to Patrik. Patrik handles all the cash transactions.
If the player is reporting a glitch or a bug, have them "report a bug" themselves. If they don't want to do that then try to mention it in moderators chat about a player bug. Or report the bug your self using the report a bug feature.
If you get someone reporting another player for inappropriate Private Messages; tell that player report that player using the report option in the Private Message Settings OR to "block" the other player. We as moderators do not police Private Messages. Blocking ("ignore") also blocks incoming contracts. We as moderators do not police Private Messages; except for when we get a Private Message Case in Mod chat.
When answering questions try to send players to the guides that exist in game and on the forum. It is far easier to send a player to one of the guides than to have to explain the game in fine detail yourself. This will not always work but at least you have told them where they can find the information.