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Maintained by The Center


The research is divided into each research type: Plant, Energy, Mining, Electronics, Breeding, Chemistry, Software, Automotive, Fashion, Aerospace, Materials and MaterialsRecipes.


The above image shows the products that fall under Materials Research. The number in the (0) is how many research units you have of that research type. Any product that shows yellow stars is how much quality you have researched per product. The above image shows Q3 for Carbon Composite and Q2 for heat Shield. The rest of the products that do not have stars are Q0. There are progress bars at the bottom of each product that show you how far along that product is until the next quality is reached.


It makes sense to invest in research once your company gets larger (reaches about $1,300,000 in company value or 3,000 employees). The larger your company, the more sense high quality products make. Having a strong CTO on retainer is worth it only if you are getting Q3 research or higher.

by Patrik Beck

Special Thanks: The Traveller, for confirming Aerospace Research patent value after the November 2020, Aerospace Nerf.
