Gas plant will receive only damage for causing overload (8MWh)
City will grow in future ticks because demand was satisfied.
DEV note: Merit orders are created automatically for each power plant. We are planning to implement market feature which will enable players to override preset merit orders.
Market orders are different from merit orders. You can offer “unlimited“(limited by market credit) quantity of power on market without having any power plants. You will immediately receive money from market if someone trades against your offer. In next tick you should deliver this amount of power or it will be automatically bought from market at spot price.
Player1 creates market order 100MWh@$200 without having any power plant
Player2 accepts this offer.
During next tick: Spot price ($300 for example ) will be calculated based on merit orders and demand (see previous chapter). Player1 has no power so it will be purchased on market.
Result: Player1 received $200 000 from Player 2 but paid $300 000 for power from market so loss is $100 000