Versions Compared


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Cost of getting a good Chief Technical Officer (CTO) can vary greatly. A young student fresh of the university will have skill 0 - 3. Training him/her, or keeping the executive around for long time can cost anywhere around $50k to $100k$200k. See executives guide.


Assuming the worst case of patent conversion 1/8, e.g. 12.5%. A CTO skill 15 increases this by 15%, changing the conversion to 12.5% * 1.15 = 14.375%. If you were to bring your batteries from Q2 to Q3 (500 patents, $300 for energy research). The move from Q2 to Q3 costs around $1.2M, the science 15 skill CTO would save you ~ $155,000.

Helpful articles from our local newspaper The Sim Companies Times:
Genie of the Lamp: The Power of Science


It makes sense to invest in research once your company gets larger (reaches about $1,300,000 in company value or 3,000 employees). The larger your company, the more sense high quality products make. Having a strong CTO on retainer is worth it only if you are getting Q3 research or higher.

by Patrik Beck

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