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It's actually very simple. Let's say you want to sell petrol Q3 and you already invested in the research. You will need crude oil that's at least Q2, ethanol that’s at least Q2 and power that's also Q2 minimum.
(Not pictured; To produce Q2 crude oil, you will need at least Q1 power.
To produce Q2 ethanol, you will need Q1 sugarcane and Q1 power.)
Some players wonder what's higher quality water for? It can't be sold in retail, so why bother leveling the quality up. Well, it's simple, you need high quality water, to produce high quality apples, oranges, etc.
Another Example:
To make Q3 fabric you will need Q2 cotton and Q2 power. To make Q2 Cotton you will need Q1 water and Q1 seeds. To make Q1 water you will need Q0 power.
We covered the mechanics, so let's answer the most obvious questions. Should I invest in research, and when should I do so.
It makes sense to invest in research once your company gets larger (reaches about $1,300,000 in company value or 3,000 employees). The larger your company, the more sense high quality products make. Having a strong CTO on retainer is worth it only if you are getting Q3 research or higher.
by Patrik Beck
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