Please do NOT share this document outside of Mod chat.Please do NOT share this document outside of Mod chat.
Welcome to the moderating team. As a moderator there is a lot of information to learn. Please take your time with the information and if you have any questions ask in Mod chat.
Note: Moderators were selected per their language. Moderate the language you were brought on to moderate and do not turn on any chatrooms that you previously would have never visited before you were selected as a moderator. This can cause rifts in those communities if a new moderator shows up and they have never seen them before. Also, don’t put extra “work” on yourself by moderating more chatrooms! We want you to still enjoy playing the game and not think of moderating comes before you having fun!
Chat Bans
When simple chat bans are given, the accounts receive a chat ban based on a progressive system starting at 2 hours; and follows this pattern: 2, 2, 8, 16, 32, 64….
Auditing Accounts:
Currently there are four three (43) moderators that can audit accounts; Patrik, Khorinis, and The Center. If you suspect players but are not sure you can ask one of the auditors to to check out the accounts in question. The audit can provide more insight not available to mods into whether players are operating multiple accounts or cross-trading.