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由The Center维护 / 由Silverman AG翻译


  1. 某个游戏功能不行,但对其他人都行。怎么回事?

  2. 目前是哪个经济阶段?

  3. 比赛是什么回事?

  4. 如何选择聊天室?

  5. 品质(Q)是什么?

  6. 交易所上的NPC公司是怎么回事?

  7. 如何升级?

  8. 如何在交易所上出售物资?

  9. 如何发送合同?

  10. 建筑升级是怎么回事?

  11. 矿井、采石场和油井的丰度是什么?

  12. 可以出售或拆建筑吗?

  13. 管理费用为什么增加?

  14. 会计费用是什么?

  15. 研究是为了什么?

  16. 游戏时间表是在哪里? 

  17. 游戏如何计算综合收益?

  18. 公司图片(徽标)上的那些符号是什么?

  19. 为什么在销售聊天室中看到一个照相机符号?

  20. 个人助理(PA)发的关于工人工资增减和销售变化的信息是怎么回事?

  21. 可以创建多家公司吗?

  22. 个人助理(PA)为什么不给我任务?

  23. 新功能多久增加一次?

  24. 为什么入库合同的颜色不一样(红、绿、黑)?

  25. 如何重置或删除账号?

  26. 公司股价是什么?

  27. 姿态控制器(Attitude Control)拼写错了吗?(只是英文)

  28. 有自己的问题吗?

1. 某个游戏功能不行,但对其他人都行。怎么回事?

Sim Companies把数据和代码存储在你的设备上,以实现快速的屏幕加载和游戏性能。但是,某些设备和浏览器(Safari)并不遵循行业标准,并且可能会发生设备不自动更新的情况。这可能会给你的游戏带来麻烦。




2. 目前是哪个经济阶段?








15:00 UTC - 经济阶段转换。有关可能发生经济转换的本地时间,访问文库中的时间表


来自我们“当地”报纸《Sim Companies时报》的有用文章:

The Numbers behind Economy Phases (1)

The Numbers behind Economy Phases (2)


3. 比赛是什么回事?








Zipping through the Tulips - 赢家捐赠了121 381 007种子,总价值大概是$2520万。

4. 如何选择聊天室?

聊天室:Game,Social,Sale,Aerospace Sales,Help,Roleplay,Sozial-德语,Handel-德语,Spiel-德语,Hilfe-德语,Jogo-葡萄牙语,Social-葡萄牙语,Comercio-葡萄牙语,Juego-西班牙语,Ventas-西班牙语,Social-西班牙语,Jeu-法语,Vente-法语,Social-法语,Italian-意大利语,Oyun-土耳其语,Ticaret-土耳其语,Sosyal-土耳其语,Mandarin-普通话。


  1. 右上角的三(3)点

  2. 账号设置

  3. 聊天室

  4. 选你想看的聊天室

  5. 更新

5. 品质(Q)是什么?


有关游戏中更多缩写的信息,参见《Sim Companies时报》75期

6. 交易所上的NPC公司是怎么回事?

NPC代表Non-Player Character(非玩家角色)。它是由Sim Companies操作的机器人,是为在交易所中提供必要的物资。定价比较高,来允许玩家以比较低的价格出售。

7. 如何升级(获得XP)?


8. 如何在交易所上出售物资?








For example, you place Crude Oil on the exchange for $28. You will pay a fee of $28 x 3% = $0.84 and use one transport unit, assume that transport costs $0.35. Hence, it will cost you $0.84 + $0.34 = $1.18 to sell the Crude Oil on the market, leaving you with $28 - $1.18 = $26.82. If you sold this Crude Oil using contracts, you pay no market fee and only use half of the transportation units. This would cost $0.35/2 = $0.175, meaning you would be left with $28 - $0.175 = $27.825. Remember to take this into account when deciding to sell on the exchange or to sell via contracts


When viewing items on the exchange each listing has a priority based on the following:

price / quality / timestamp

Price: lower price has priority
Quality: higher quality has priority
Timestamp: longer time has priority

Timestamp is when it is entered or updated. When updating an order it resets the Timestamp and puts in the back of the line.

9. 如何发送合同?

Need to be level 5+ (Family Business) to send and receive contracts. Visit your WAREHOUSE and click on the resource, enter quantity and price, and hit SEND CONTRACT. Enter the recipient company's name. The recipient has to accept your contract before the money can be credited to you. Either party can cancel the contract that has not been accepted yet and all resources, including Transportation units will be returned.

25x is the transport needed
There is no fee
Note: transport is pulled from your inventory in your warehouse – if you do not have transport you cannot send a contract.

In comparison to selling on the exchange, by using contracts you will not pay any market fee and need only half as many Transportation units.

10. 建筑升级是怎么回事?

All of your buildings can be upgraded to increase production/selling capacity. To upgrade a building you need to visit it and click the UPGRADE BUILDING button. All buildings start at level 1. Upgrading to level 2 doubles the production/selling capacity. A level 3 building will produce/sell 3 times as much as a level 1 building, a level 4 building will produce/sell 4 times as much as a level 1 building and so on.

One level 5 building = Five level 1 buildings (quantity)

11. 矿井、采石场和油井的丰度是什么?

The production in the 3 mentioned buildings depends on resource abundance.

The abundance is randomly assigned when buildings is first built and then slowly decreases by 0.032% a day. Each resource produced in the building has its own abundance assigned using Gauss distribution with mean 0.6 (60% abundance) and standard deviation of 0.15. Resulting values over 1 (100%) are truncated to 1 (100%) and values below 0.1 (10%) are truncated to 0.1 (10%).

min(1.0, max(0.1, gauss(mu=0.6, sigma=0.15)))

Helpful information added via the Sim Companies Forum:
Abundance - A quick review

12. 可以出售或拆建筑吗?

Yes, companies that have reached level 5 can scrap buildings and recover some of the investment. If a building is level 1 or 2, you will get the full investment back. Any building above level 2 that is scrapped will not receive the full investment back. Destroying a level 5 building will return 5 times the value of a level 1 building.

Case one, construction resources for level 5 plantation costs approximately $6,900 + $6,900 + $13,800 + $20,700 + $27,600 = $75,900 to build. If we scrap this level 5 building then we would receive only $6,900 x 5 = $34,500 worth of construction resources back.

Case two, construction resources for level 2 oil rig costs approximately $69,000 + $69,000 = $138,000 to build. If we scrap this level 2 building then we would receive construction resources back worth of $69,000 x 2 = $138,000.

13. 管理费用为什么增加?

First of all, congratulations on building a huge company. Otherwise, you would not have this problem! The more employees that you have, the more money you spend on administration overhead. Every time you level up a building you increase the number of workers in your company by 100 as well as adding more administration staff. The more building levels that your company has, the more administration staff are recruited each time you level a building up.

If your administration size grows too much, you want to look at the following options: focus on less labor-intensive products, or invest in buildings that deliver high profit even on low levels. You could also invest in research, this will allow you to get a higher profit for the same resources without expanding your buildings. You may also want to look at hiring a COO, they reduce the administration overhead of your company. See the executives guide for more information.

14. 会计费用是什么?

Managing all your company funds costs money. Here is how much your company pays in accounting overhead. Executives skilled in accounting can help you lower your accounting base.

Accounting base = (Bonds Purchased - Bonds Sold) + Cash - Executives' lift

Accounting base


up to $3,000,000


$3M to $6M


$6M to $9M


$9M to $12M


$12M to $15M


over $15,000,000


Example with CFO lift:

$3 million + $4 million = $7 million

Cash and Bonds value over $7 million = $137,918
$137,918 x 0.5% = $690 (rounded up)

Accounting fees are deducted automatically every day at the same time. See Time Table for your local time.

Helpful articles from our local newspaper The Sim Companies Times:

The Tax Man Cometh

Helpful information added via the Sim Companies Forum:

Bank - Need more Executive Lift?

15. 研究是为了什么?

Research allows the production of higher quality products that sell faster allowing you to make more profit. The ability to research unlocks once your company has reached level 10.

You can build laboratories and research centers that produce research points. You can also buy them from other players on the exchange or through contracts. The research points can then be used to get patents, but not every research point result in a patent. So be prepared for losses from researching areas that bring no money.

Enough patents will allow you to produce higher quality products! Patents cannot be sold or transferred to other players.

See the research guide for more information.

16. 游戏时间表是在哪里?

The game runs on UTC time, but all times within the game are displayed in the company's local time zone.

See the time table to find out when the daily processes happen.

17. 游戏如何计算综合收益?

Comprehensive income is an item listed in the Income Statement in your HQ.  

It is a result of a two (2) consecutive Balance Sheets compared.  Any Company Value (CV) change that is not covered by the items in the Income Statement are called “other comprehensive income.”
Items on the Income Statement should cover all company activities that impact the Balance Sheet.  Except, for the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) swings of inventory Valuation Allowance (85% of VWAP of the previous day).

Valuation Allowance is an item listed in the Balance Sheet.
Definition: Sum of price corrections applied to every single resource to account for resource liquidity. The correction estimates price you would get for each resource if you were to liquidate it on the market using the trading price and volume from the previous day.

18. 公司图片(徽标)上的那些符号是什么?

There are three (3) symbols that can show up on company avatars:

Certificate Winner – A certificate for gaining a top spots in company rankings and years played.

Trophy Winner – A symbol awarded to those that have won the top spots in contests.

Supporter – A symbol notifying other players they support the game. You too can become a supporter!

All three will show up on the player’s profiles. The certificates can be displayed in the display case.

19. 为什么在销售聊天室中看到一个照相机符号?

The red camera (or black):

This occurs when copying and pasting the emote after it was already turned into an image. To fix this you can create a template of your buying/selling adverts in NOTES.

You will need to type out the entire resource to get the image to show correctly in sales chat.

Note: You can use :re-###: instead of the actual product name.
:re-1: is power
:re-2: is water
and so on

Copying and Pasting straight from your notes in this format will show the correct images in chat!

No more cameras!

20. 个人助理(PA)发的关于工人工资增减和销售变化的信息是怎么回事?

The economy goes through phases. This message means the phase just changed. The overall margins on all products stay the same no matter the economy phase. However, the cost to produce products alternate so the retail prices alternate with it.

Checkout the encyclopedia to learn what are the new production costs and retail parameters.

This does not impact you as much if you are dealing with products that have an easy pipeline - or you operate on a just-in-time basis and hence do not store intermediate inventory. If, however, you hold a lot of inventory, the shift in pricing can cause your inventory to be worth more on the economic boom, or less on depression.

There are three phases that the economy can be in. When the economy goes up, retail speeds up, hence goods can be sold faster or can be sold at a higher price. However, the rate of production of these goods falls, therefore, producers will increase their prices to make up for this. When the economy goes down, retail slows down, hence goods sell slower or have to be sold at a lower price. In this case, the rate of production increases and hence producers can sell at a lower price.

21. 可以创建多家公司吗?

This is prohibited.  That would create an unfair advantage over other players. See Fairplay Association (FPA).

22. 个人助理(PA)为什么不给我任务?

Make sure to scroll back to the last PA quest and answer the quest. Once you answer it the notification will go away and you will have access to the rest of the PA quests.

PA quests that are not answered will disappear and come back at a later date.

The newer quests that were added to the game have requirements that need to be met:

  1. Time Played

  2. How much cash that your company could potentially lose ($50,000).

  3. Executive requirements (level 15)

23. 新功能多久增加一次?

Major features are added to the game every month or two.

Small changes are deployed almost every second day, see the change log for the latest updates. There is always something to improve upon and I actively work on the game. If you want to see a few ideas that are under consideration, check out the future development page.

24. 为什么入库合同的颜色不一样(红、绿、黑)?

Contracts sent by companies will change colors if the price is different than the last accepted contract from that company. The price will change in color.

Red = Higher price than last accepted contract

Green = Lower price than last accepted contract

Black = Same price as last accepted contract

25. 如何重置或删除账号?

In Account Settings. Restart Account (Reset). You’ll have three (3) options to choose from.

  1. RESET ACCOUNT: Are you sure you want to revert your account to the state just after registration. You will lose all of you current resources, buildings, money, unlocked resources, simboosts and start anew. This action cannot be reversed.

  2. DELETE ACCOUNT: This will delete your account and all your information stored within Sim Companies. You will no longer be able to log in or play Sim Companies.

  3. START OVER (RESET): Do you want to try again? Can you grow faster second time around? Your company will be reset to the state right after the tutorial with the following exceptions: certificates and simboosts will be preserved. You will also start with 3% speed bonus in either retail or production - randomly assigned.

    This option is only available from level 30.

As a safety feature you will have to verify the DELETE ACCOUNT through email.

26. 公司股价是什么?

Share Price is a metric to measure growth in game. It currently is not fully implemented. Players begin to see Share Price and Shares Outstanding in the range of $900k to $1 million Company Value (CV). Shares in the current state of the game cannot be bought or sold.

To know more about share price and its math read the following Sim Times articles:

Newspaper 81 - Company Shares Intro
Newspaper 83 - Share Price Puzzle – Solution Revealed!

27. 姿态控制器(Attitude Control)拼写错了吗?(只是英文)


“Attitude control is the process of controlling the orientation of an aerospace vehicle with respect to an inertial frame of reference.” (wikipedia)

28. 有自己的问题吗?

Try asking in it in the help chatroom, where other players will gladly answer your questions.

Game Guides

Guide for Beginners, Research Guide, Bonds Guide, Executive Guide, Government Orders Guide, Aerospace

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