There is a time limit, in days, on how much time you have to deliver against the order.
The quality shown on the items is the minimum quality that is needed.
If Q1 is listed you can fulfill the order with Q1+
If Q2 is listed you can fulfill the order with Q2+
and so on
What resources is the government buying?
Your company must be level 20+ to apply.
You need to form teams/bids with 3-7 companies.
The lower your price (bid), the higher chance your bid will be awarded.
You need to be have cash for the deposit ready when the bids are being considered for awarding.
You need to fulfill in time to get reward.
Every contractor on your bid needs to fulfill in time for anyone to get the deposit back.
Can join any Government Order that is available; but can only join apply to one team per Government Order.
13:00 UTC - New government orders posted (Wednesday)
13:00 UTC - Government orders awarded (Monday)
Helpful articles from our local newspaper The Sim Companies Times:
The Eye of the Gov Order - Part I and Part II (both in same newspaper)