Government orders

Government orders

Maintained by The Center


When the government needs to buy resources from the private sector, the players, it uses Government Orders (GO) to do so. You can think of these as tenders or procurement. To ensure fair order assignment, and cheap fulfillment, the government uses a form of auction, when picking which company to assign the order to.

The companies that want to bid for the government orders need to form teams of 3 to 7 contractors, and apply together creating a Government Order Bid.

GO-2 overview.PNG


Depending on your company size, you are assigned to a Tier. in general, the higher the tier number the more resources you need to deliver to fulfill the order, however, the number of your team members, contractors, on your application and their tier also determines how much you are delivering.

The Tier of the largest contractor on the Bid determines the tier of the bid, and resource amounts that have to be delivered. If there are low-tier contractors, the higher tier contractors have to backfill their part.

The bid screen shows exactly how much each contractor has to deliver.



The “per unit of” means the price the Government is going to pay for each resource when the Government Order is awarded. In the image below “per unit of Sneakers Q1” with $19; means the Government will pay the team members $19 for Q1 Sneakers. Will pay $31 for Q0 Dress. Will pay $10 per Q3 Underwear. Will pay $10 for Q3 Fabric.


The main contractor, the company that is creating the Government Order Bid, determines what compensation the team is getting for each resource. The reward is split between the contractors depending on the amounts they are delivering based of their respective Tier.

Government Order bids with low buyout prices are awarded first.

The reward is paid if the Government Order Bid was awarded and the contractor delivers the required amount. The reward is paid right away on the delivery, even if other contractors did not fulfill their part.


The deposits are taken at the time of Government Order Bid being awarded. Meaning your team WON the bid.

If any of the contractors doesn’t have enough cash, the whole bid is disqualified.

If all contractors have the money, each team member has to put down their deposit. The deposit is returned once ALL contractors on the bid delivered the required amounts.


Once the bid; you are contractor on is awarded, you can simply click to deliver the resources against it. The reward is paid immediately. The deposit is returned once all contractors on your bid deliver.

There is a time limit, in days, on how much time you have to deliver against the order.

The quality shown on the items is the minimum quality that is needed.
If Q1 is listed you can fulfill the order with Q1+
If Q2 is listed you can fulfill the order with Q2+
and so on



What resources is the government buying?

The government needs resources across all industries and in high quantities and certain qualities. The examples are 700 trucks for the Fire Department. 20,000 laptops for the IRS offices. Some orders may combine multiple different resources: 120,000 apples and 200,000 oranges for the Foreign Relief Office, or 300,000 units of petrol and 500,000 units of diesel for National Reserves.

The amounts are determined by the tier and split between contractors on your bid.

Where to find Government Orders?

Government Orders are located on the Exchange. They have their own section found in the Building icon on the far right of the top row.

The selection (awarding) process

New government orders are published periodically and there is a 5-day window in which companies can team up and place their bids. You can determine how much you want in return for delivering, what price you are delivering at. The bid remains secret and can be changed or cancelled anytime up to 24 hours before the bidding period ends.

A multiple of Government Order Bids can be accepted and orders awarded, until certain percentage of applications was considered, or amount the government needs was ordered. You can assume 50% - 70% of bidding teams will be awarded.

The bids with the lowest price win, obviously, the government wants to save money.

Once the awarding is done, the government publishes the amount which was ordered in all awarded bids.

Risks and considerations

Make sure you know your partners you are entering the Government Order Bid. The more companies you have on the application, the less you have to deliver. While the benefits are great, there are risks you should be aware of:

  • If one of the other contractors does not have cash to cover their deposit, your bid is not considered and awarded.

  • If one of the other contractors doesn’t deliver, you lose your deposit.

  • The main contractor, the company that set up the bid, can attempt to change bid prices without discussing it with you.


  • Your company must be level 20+ to apply.

  • You need to form teams/bids with 3-7 companies.

  • The lower your price (bid), the higher chance your bid will be awarded.

  • You need to be have cash for the deposit ready when the bids are being considered for awarding.

  • The deposits are only taken if you WIN the bid. If any of the contractors doesn’t have enough cash, the whole bid is disqualified so there will be no need to pay the deposit.

  • You need to fulfill in time to get reward.

  • Every contractor on your bid needs to fulfill in time for anyone to get the deposit back.

  • Can apply to one team per Government Order.

  • 13:00 UTC - New government orders posted (Wednesday)

  • 13:00 UTC - Government orders awarded (Monday)

  • Bids are locked 24 hours before the bid ending period. This is to protect sub-contractors from last minute bid changes.

Helpful articles from our local newspaper The Sim Companies Times:
The Eye of the Gov Order - Part I and Part II (both in same newspaper)

How to do Government Orders

How I fulfilled a Government Order Larger than My Total Company Value

How to Succeed at Governmental Orders? Part 1

How to Succeed at Governmental Orders? Part 2

Basics of Government Orders - What are those weird things? (Part 1)

Basics of Government Orders - How to fulfil a Government Order (Part 2 and 3) (both in same newspaper)

Library Guides:

 Frequently asked questions, Guide for beginners, Interface tips, Research guide, Construction guide, Bonds guide, Executives guide, Government orders guide, Aerospace

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